Elite Pawn Jewelry,
watch, Bags, electronics
& so much more

Download Elite Pawn’s Mobile App Today!

Available on all modern operating systems

Elite Pawn and Jewelry Mobile App

You can visit your closest Elite Pawn & Jewelry Store and we will send you a code to sign into the Mobile pawn App

Or, If the customer would like to stay home, Please to call to get an activation code. Account info can not be updated Via Phone

Loan Policy

“There are no financial implications of non-payment of any loan. There is no impact to a client’s credit score for late or non-payment. If no payments are made, the loan simply defaults and the collateral is sold. Collection practices include phone call or text message to remind client payment is due. Loans are renewed when a payment is made. There are no additional penalties or fees when renewing a loan. No loans are under 61 days. The loan is not required to be paid on, or repaid within 61 days. Early prepayment options are available without any additional fee or cost. The minimum repayment period is 60 days, the maximum is 10 years. The MLA APR does not exceed 35.99%. An example of loan; client borrows $1000, repays $1090 within 90 days. The loan is fulfilled.”

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